Sunday 11 April 2010

Sunday: a game of three halves ...

Sunday began with an outing to Shiremoor to hear John Prescott speak in support of a fourth Labour term and to campaign on behalf of excellent local Tynemouth MP, Alan Campbell.

Second half of the day spent in Prudhoe for more canvassing/door-knocking - again, excellent weather meant we caught many people outside who were happy to talk over the fence.

Final half of the day finished off with sorting out nomination papers - not necessarily the most fun of tasks, but very, very important, if only to avoid being billed for the freepost mailing if the nomination papers are not in order. As far as I can tell, the Labour freepost has been the first one to go out - I saw it in people's porches in Otterburn on Friday, it arrived at my agent's house in Prudhoe on Saturday, and my mother and sister, who live in and just outside Ponteland respectively, received it on Thursday. None of my colleagues in the constituency have seen the Tory, LibDem or Independent freeposts yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Sunday began with an outing to Shiremoor to hear John Prescott speak in support of a fourth Labour term and to campaign on behalf of excellent local Tynemouth MP, Alan Campbell."

Nice to see that you realise that the best way to save the country from the Tories is to campaign in a marginal and not waste your time in a safe seat.

The amount of campaigning required to "turn" Hexham (which has been Tory since 1924) could help defend many Labour marginals or even turn over several Conservative marginals.

Its a pity that's the way the world is; it would be nice to think that all votes are equal.