Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Hexham is no longer a safe Tory seat - so vote Labour to keep the Tories out

On my blog, commentator "outsidethemarginals" has raised the issue of whether Hexham is still a safe Tory seat. I think the answer's no, here's why:

(1) The sitting Tory's MP's majority here is c.5,000 - and majorities that small get overturned all the time at general elections.
(2) At this election, a long-standing Tory incumbent is retiring to be replaced by a candidate who's got no local roots, only a local address.
(3) No-one knows what impact the MPs expenses scandal will have.
(4) No-one knows what impact the Independent candidate will have.
(5) This is the most internet/online general election campaign yet, and there many be many people (eg, younger voters) who decide how to vote based on online activities/research who are outside/ underneath the normal political radar.

The LibDem candidate has described this constituency as a 3-way marginal. While I'm not sure about that, one thing's for sure - we shall find out the answer in a few weeks time!


Anonymous said...

If "(5) This is the most internet/online general election campaign yet, and there many be many people (eg, younger voters) who decide how to vote based on online activities/research who are outside/ underneath the normal political radar"

In which case it's a little disappointing that your website at http://www2.labour.org.uk/ppc/antoine_tinnion/934/ is blank but for your name and the statement "ppc for Hexham". I support you cause, but I think your campaign literature could be more informative. For example your flyer says nothing about your personal details, occupation etc.

Antoine Tinnion said...

You have correctly identified one of a number of technical SNAFUs which I am diligently working to correct!

Antoine Tinnion said...

This has now been corrected - check out http://www2.labour.org.uk/ppc/antoine_tinnion/934/