Tuesday 6 April 2010

Do Tories tolerate anti-gay discrimination?

Poor David Cameron. He spends years telling voters how the Tories are no longer the ‘nasty’ party, then along comes his gaffe-prone Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, who goes and spills the beans on what senior Tories are secretly thinking.

According to Cameron’s public statements, the Tories are no longer the sworn enemy of gay people, and are even appealing for their votes. Clause 28 was a long time ago in the past, he would have you believe.

According to Grayling in private, however, it’s perfectly ok for B&B owners to discriminate against gay guests, even though the law of the land makes such discrimination illegal.

There are probably several thousand gay voters in the Hexham constituency, who have the right to know whether the Tories believe anti-gay discrimination is acceptable in modern Britain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There may well be a few thousand gay voters/supporters in the Hexham Costituency who disapprove of the Tory Shadow Ministers illicit utterings on the subject of the B&B owners policies regarding their letting policies - but believe me,the vast majority of the Hexhamshire electorate are much more interested in the fraudulent activities of so many MPs - who happen to be (in the main)of the Labour variety.